Razer Halts Android 8.1 Oreo Update For The Razer Phone

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Razer announced the Android 8.1 Oreo update rollout for the Razer Phone on April 16th. However, that update has been halted as of now because Razer has reportedly found some issues in the firmware. Here you can find the details Razer Halts Android 8.1 Oreo Update For The Razer Phone.

Razer Halts Android 8.1 Oreo Update For The Razer Phonee
Razer Halts Android 8.1 Oreo Update For The Razer Phone

According to “Three” which is a mobile carrier in the UK, Razer has informed that they have found some issues in the Open Market release of the Android 8.1 Oreo. So, they (Three) delayed the Oreo rollout for their customers to protect the customer experience.

This was no secret as there were several posts around the web where users were reporting a few issues like, absence of carrier service, touchscreen unresponsiveness & more. Here are a few posts from Reddit.

Touchscreen issues after 8.1 update from razerphone

No cell service after 8.1 update from razerphone

Unbelievable amount of input lag after 8.1 update from razerphone

Whatsapp Vibration issue from razerphone

So, issues are definitely there and if you haven’t installed the Oreo update yet or your carrier hasn’t provided the update yet, you might have been lucky lately. We are not sure if Razer has halted this update everywhere or not but, even if you’re still able to get update, you probably shouldn’t install it right now.

We expect the stable version of the Android 8.1 Oreo to come out in a couple of months as the Razer Phone runs nearly Stock Android. So, it shouldn’t take a lot of time until it’s a fatal error which is unlikely.

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