YouTube Brings A Fresh New Look To It’s Platform – This Is All You Need To Know !

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YouTube Brings A Fresh New Look To It's Platform

YouTube just gave it’s Desktop & Mobile Platforms a fresh new look. So, the most striking change was the Logo & there were mixed reactions about it. But, the overall design of the platform has also changed by shifting to an improved Materialistic Design.


YouTube Brings A Fresh New Look To It's Platform

So, as I have already mentioned, the changes were made to both the Desktop & Smartphone app interfaces. The Smartphone App got some new features as well.

YouTube Brings A Fresh New Look To It's Platform

In the official YouTube Blog Post, they mentioned that they’ve made quite a few changes in their Mobile App Platform. These include,

  • A new & improved design with improvements in Navigation Tabs & separation of  Library & Account tabs.
  • Keeping the Double-tap to Rewind/Forward gesture while adding a Swipe To Jump from one Video to another gesture . The Swipe To Jump feature is not available right now but, will be added soon in near future.
  • Ability to watch videos in Fast or Slow pace.
  • Match the Player’s shape depending on the type of the video (i.e. Vertical, Horizontal, Square etc.). This feature will also be added later.
  •  Addition of a Row of Suggested Videos in full-screen mode below the progress bar. Some visual & functional changes may take place soon in this segment as well.


YouTube Brings A Fresh New Look To It's Platform

For the Desktop platform, there was quite a few changes as well. Basically being the new Material Design adaption & ability to switch to Dark Mode. But, in case you can’t see these changes in your Desktop, you need to go to to adapt these features first.

So, what are your thoughts on this new look, features & specially the new logo of YouTube ? Let us know in the comments section right below this article !


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