iPad X May Be The First Full Screen Tablet – Designed Similar To The iPhone X

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Having a the Biggest Display, minimizing the Bezels to their best possible limits is what smartphone OEMs are heading to. The recent addition to this list is the iPhone X that has almost no bezels & people are going crazy about this device. Apple knows the current condition of the Hype & looks like they’re planning to bring that design into their upcoming iPad line up.

According to a recent leak, Apple supply chains broke the news that, Apple is planning to use the iPhone X design reference to the iPads.


iPad X May Be The First Full Screen Tablet


Now, some facts are still needed to be clear. We still don’t know if Apple will bring a complete series of iPads with this design language or there will be a single special edition iPad ?

Another thing is the Security. It’s still not clear if Apple is planning to implement Face ID & completely ditch the Touch ID even in iPads or they’ll keep the Touch ID underneath the glass of the Display. We hope that they find a way to put the Touch ID underneath the glass.

Another concern is the Hardware of the device. Specially the processor is the biggest question here. It’s possible that Apple uses the same A11 Bionic chip inside their next gen iPads as the A11 is already pretty powerful. But, it’s also possible that Apple does further improvements & brings the A11X alongside the iPads. But, that still looks too good to be true. Anyway, are you hyped for Apples new iPads or you’re a thick bezel guy anyway ? Definitely let us know in the comments section right below this article !

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