If you live in USA & want to get the iPhone X, Virgin Mobile USA will offer the device soon within their Inner Circle. You’ll be running the $50/month all-in-one plan for your iPhone X alongside that gives Unlimited Calling, Data & Messages.
The CEO of Virgin Mobile USA said,
“Members of the Inner Circle by Virgin Mobile are going to love having the best, most advanced iPhone ever while enjoying unlimited talk, text and high-speed data for only $50 per month on our nationwide network that is faster, more reliable than ever and reaches more than 290 million people.”
This year there is really very less hype for the iPhone 8 Plus & almost everyone wants the iPhone X instead. That’s kinda fair I’d say as the iPhoneX looks light years ahead from the iPhone 8 Plus that carries a several years old design. Also, the almost completely bezelless OLED Display itself is a factor why everyone wants the iPhone X.
So, there won’t be any discounts on the phone itself & what you’re getting is the the unlimited calling, Texting & 4G Data plan for $50 per month. If you want the iPhone X, this might be a decent option to look at. But, remember that it’ll sell though the Inner Circle only. Anyway, Virgin Mobile USA will start taking Pre-orders on 3rd November & the devices will start shipping on 10th November.
Source: Business Wire