California based NVIDIA, widely considered by gamers around the world as pioneers of graphics processing and gaming products; Have published a Blog dated 15th May 2015, highlighting something which is being considered as a serious development as far as the future of PC gaming is concerned.
As we all know the world wide launch of Windows 10 (powered by the latest Direct X12 API) is just around the corner and as all gamers know any upgrade to an existing operating system brings about not just a plethora of new features, tweaks and changes to the interface, but also a whole new set of bugs and glitches to content with. Thus presenting a new challenge for the folks at NVIDIA, who being gamers themselves can relate with the frustration of end users having to jostle with installing multiple drivers and add-on software after shelling out a great deal of money to purchase a game, in order to enjoy a glitch free experience.
Their answer to our prayers? GeForce Game Ready Drivers. The programmers at NVIDIA admitted that developing the Direct X12 API platform has been a significant challenge owing to the fact that after the operating system, a graphics driver is the most complex code on a PC, add to the time constraints of an impending big-ticket launch on which reputations of both Microsoft and NVIDIA rely heavily.
Windows Hardware Qualification Lab (WHQL) is a body which certifies the compatibility of 3rd party hardware and software by meticulous testing under Microsoft’s stringent protocols and issues certification as “Certified for Windows” thus ensuring that the end user receives a product that is of the highest quality and has proven its mettle against the various tests and quality checks.
With Direct X12 all set to be adopted by major game developers as the base for their upcoming titles, we can be sure of one thing; that with NVIDIA providing the Game ready drivers by working in close proximity with Microsoft. The stage is all set for the PC gaming industry to take the world by storm and usher in the next-generation of high definition gaming. All thanks to the super-fast GPUs provided by NVIDIA and their path-breaking graphics drivers, that’ll showcase the true capabilities of Windows 10 and Direct X12.